Monday, August 15, 2011

Movie Monday: Sweeney Todd!

Let me begin with this: I am a total Johnny Depp fan. It's pretty bad, really, but I can't help it. He's very good-looking considering he's over forty years old. *swoons*

And I love Harry Potter to the moon and back - both the books and movies.

So imagine my joy when my friend told me about the movie Sweeney Todd - how had I not known about this earlier? - I knew I had to see it. And then, not so long ago, another friend was sleeping over at my house so we went to rent a movie. And to my utter amazement and joy, I saw that they were selling Sweeney Todd for five dollars! So I bought it. And I have not regretted it since.

By the time we had watched no more than ten minutes of the movie, we were both breathless and squealing. Because yes, my friend and I are both total dorks. I mean, Johnny Depp alone is awesome enough, but then he's joined by first Helena Bonham Carter, then Alan Rickman, and then Timothy Spall! But it doesn't stop there! Because not much later than that, Sacha Baron Cohen is singing opera and shaving a man at the same time. Again, swoon.

At one point, my dad came into the room just to ask if everything was okay - apparently he had heard us screaming. Oops.

So here's what I'm trying to say: if you haven't watched Sweeney Todd: the demon barber of Fleet Street, DO IT. And do it now. Because it's awesome. And amazing, and every other positive adjective that applies to the situation. Because movies don't get better than this. Not to mention that it's a musical, so wait, actually, it does get better.

And that concludes Movie Monday - come back in a week to hear me geek out about another movie of whatever kind!

xx Emma

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