Saturday, August 13, 2011

I Am Number Four

Another book I read this summer was I Am Number Four, by Pittacus Lore.

I thought that whilst it was a relatively easy read, it was also a very exciting one, and I finished the book the same day I bought it. The book was well written, and with a creative and original plot-line that didn't remind me of any other books - something which is somewhat difficult to avoid nowadays.

I enjoyed the quick pacing of the book, and the little plot twists that keeps the reader on the edge of his seat the entire time. Like the dog, Bernie Kosar: until the end, I kept thinking that he was a Mogadorian spy dog of some sort. Little did I know that he wasn't evil after all. Which was a nice surprise for me.

My two biggest issues with the book were one, the big size of the text and two, the character Sarah. Firstly, I don't like reading books with really big text sizes; although this is only a personal thing - I just don't like it because it makes the book seem like its audience is for smaller children, instead of young adults/teenagers. But that's a matter of opinion, and really doesn't have much to do with with the book itself.

Secondly, the thing that I didn't like about I Am Number Four was the 'gorgeous' Sarah. Her character was very one dimensional - except for a paragraph describing her when they first met, there wasn't much description except for labeling her as gorgeous. It made her seem like a very flat, stereotypical popular blonde girl, except for that this one started taking pictures.

That's what I really liked about the movie adaptation, which I watched not very long ago: it fleshed out Sarah's and Mark's backstory slightly more, and more believably, than was done in the book. My main problem with the movie was that none of the details about Lorien, and what happened to it, were really explained, so the nine Children of the Garde may as well have been gifted humans, instead of aliens.

Either way, both the book and the movie were excellent. Exciting and tense, I Am Number Four was a fast paced, interesting and captivating book, and I recommend it to anyone who likes any sort of action and science fiction book!

xx Emma


  1. I agree :) Especially about Sarah. Though now you're making me want to see the movie, which I haven't yet! *adds to to-do list*

    Good job hun! ^_^

    (And I was listening to that band earlier today! :D)

  2. Woot :D And Asteroids are awesome, I say. *nods* And the movie was pretty good, I liked it quite a lot.
